The beauty of flowers


A Gift To Myself

In many cases when we think of flower bouquets or arrangements we consider them as gifts to send to others.

However, how often do you consider giving yourself a gift?

Have you ever sent yourself a flower bouquet?

Today, I received an email from one of my favorite flower companies - Ode à la Rose. I saw the email pop in and before opening I noticed the thought to myself… “The time is approaching to send yourself a bouquet Sarah,”

I opened the email, and when I saw the name of the bouquet “Sarah Bouquet” I didn’t need any more encouragement. It also helped that peonies sit in my top five flowers! Select, order, submit. Done!

Choose to Give Yourself a Gift

A few years ago I started doing this for myself from time to time. I upgraded my supermarket bunch of flowers and began sending myself a bouquet of flowers. The experience was incredible!

I believe in investing in myself, and I do that in many differing ways regularly, not just flower bouquets, it could be a new book, a course to learn something new, a massage, a solo retreat, time with one of my coaches, a shopping trip, a holiday, a phone call with a friend… there are many ways to invest in yourself and the ROI rivals any growth portfolio!

So, when the time comes to give myself a flower bouquet I indulge in it and enjoy it from the moment it arrives on my doorstep. I have learned to let go of any guilt, shame, worry, or unworthiness, it is now just pure joy. Incidentally when I first began gifting things to myself I did experience those intense emotions - they too gave me a gift, it allowed me to explore why I was feeling those things, and helped me identified what needed to be healed and let go of.

For me there is something wonderful about flowers, whenever I have them at home or in the office they bring a sense of peace, calm, joy, awe and wonder. Every time I pass them they evoke these feelings. When we connect to feelings that expand our well-being we are reminding our body what that feels like to us personally. We nurture new neuro-pathways, we interrupt other pathways that may need disruption.

Understanding Your Emotions

When you are in a state of expansion this is when you are more creative, open to possibilities, and in growth mode. There are times, often, when we experience intense uncomfortable emotions, learning how to respond to these and understand what your body is telling you is also a very important exercise. It’s not about finding ways to conceal of push away or push down these intense emotions. In the same way that we can choose to exercise for physical well-being, we also have to develop ways of exercise our emotional agility and understanding.

Recognizing and connecting to the expansive, feel good emotions gives us as much insight as the intense emotions, and it is healthy to develop a relationship with them and know what they give you. Flowers are one way I can connect immediately to these emotions.

For me, flowers are an immediate, restorative experience. Even in the deeply traumatic times in my life, flowers have been (and will continue to be) part of my healing journey and experience. I have learned what the gift of flowers mean to me personally.

Find Your Gift

Flowers may not be your thing, and that’s ok. Be open to experiencing and exploring what your thing may be. Then when you find it, give yourself that gift. Then start noticing all the other emotional gifts you start receiving as a result.

Be well, live intentionally


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