Your Sanctuary (1 min)


Find your stillness.

The words we keep around us have an important job, and they make a difference.

This beautiful quote shared by Compendium today as part of their “Inspired quote of the week” email series is an excellent reminder for us all.

Discover the space within you, the retreat and rest which is available to you, at any point, in any situation.

A quiet calming stream of tranquility and restoration.

Your job?

To find the way to access it, your own body has a language and only you can learn and access it.

What works for you will be different to the person next to you.

Put your effort into exploring, trying out and discovering what helps you access this quiet unending continuous stream.

Here are some ideas to get you going…

Breathing, meditation, walking, dance, movement, exercise, prayer, sleep, food, reading, staring at the ocean, music, body therapy, being in the countryside, experiencing the hum of the city.

Anything that takes you inward to your stream, privately, quietly, and distinguishably - thats your focus.

What have you discovered works for you? Share in the comments below.

Be well, live intentionally


Birch Cove is not a medical or therapy based business, we do not offer guarantees of any kind. We are not responsible for the well-being of businesses or individuals that read, watch, or hear our content, or take part in sessions, or use our services or the services we highlight. Individuals are responsible and accountable for their own well-being. Birch Cove and our Collective members are not responsible for the physical and mental health and well-being of individuals we interact with directly or indirectly. We work to share best practices that inspire healthy living and revitalize a quality of life.