Restored through sunsets


Nature Restores

How often do you give yourself the opportunity to be in nature?

Just 20 minutes in nature will reduce your stress hormones, and if you’re able to spend 2 hours a day in nature your stress hormones reduce by a whopping 800% and activate 500-600 DNA segments known to be responsible for healing and repairing the body, according to clinical studies by Dr. Joe Dispenza.

That’s worth investing in.

This is your reminder to give yourself permission to pop outside during the day. Find and create the opportunity.

Let us know where your favorite spot in nature is, and help others by giving insight into whether you’ve noticed a difference in your personal and business life as a result?

Be well, live intentionally


Birch Cove is not a medical or therapy based business, we do not offer guarantees of any kind. We are not responsible for the well-being of businesses or individuals that read, watch, or hear our content, or take part in sessions, or use our services or the services we highlight. Individuals are responsible and accountable for their own well-being. Birch Cove and our Collective members are not responsible for the physical and mental health and well-being of individuals we interact with directly or indirectly. We work to share best practices that inspire healthy living and revitalize a quality of life.