Mistakes & Accomplishments (2 mins)


Today’s Lesson

Our Response

How do you respond to yourself when you make a mistake?

How do you respond to others when you believe they’ve made a mistake?

How much weight do you give to mistakes vs accomplishments?

Here’s a quick test:

  • Can you remember the last mistake you made? How much time did you spend ruminating over it?

  • Now, can you remember your last accomplishment? How much time did you spend celebrating it?

Did you spend equal amounts of energy on your mistakes and accomplishments?

The majority of us have a predisposition and out of balance approach to this.

Mistakes and rumination usually win our attention.

You have to interrupt your brain pattern and create a new neural network or pathway to start focusing on accomplishments.

Give yourself a touch of compassion, ease off on the mistake pressures, and begin becoming more aware of yours and other people’s accomplishments, and start celebrating them.

When you shift brain patterns you begin engaging with life differently.

The words and picture on the images came from Brandon Berry at Live Nation on LinkedIn.

Let us know how your thoughts, do you focus on your mistakes and accomplishments equally? Are you going to make any changes going forward from now? Leave a comment below.

Be well, live intentionally


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