The leading cause of stress... (1 min read)


Can you relate?

Thank you Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy for your book "No Hard Feelings" and wonderful illustrations.

Do you create more stress in your mind than you are experiencing in reality?

A set of antidotes to explore when feeling stress;

  • Ask yourself; "Is it really real?"

  • "Can I do anything about it?"

  • "Is worrying making the situation better?"

  • "What one thing, right now, makes me feel a minuscule bit better?" (it can be as simple as blue sky, hot coffee, lunch, the clothes you're wearing, the thought of someone who makes you smile.)

  • Scrawl words onto a sheet of paper, just keep writing and get it all out

  • Close your eyes and count, breathe in for 4, breathe out for 6, repeat x 3

  • Call someone who makes you smile

  • Take a break; lie on the floor, lie on the bed, read a book, make a smoothie.. do something different

  • Go outside and sit under a tree

  • Go for a walk

  • Move your body, get out of your head and back into your body


Interrupt your brain patterns and thinking pathways with an unexpected question or activity for your brain to help you reposition your perspective to help you from slipping into a sink hole.

Refocus into exploring, thinking about, and talking about solutions.


Be well, live intentionally.

Birch Cove is not a medical or therapy based business, we do not offer guarantees of any kind. We are not responsible for the well-being of businesses or individuals that read, watch, or hear our content, or take part in sessions, or use our services or the services we highlight. Birch Cove and our Collective members are not responsible for the physical and mental health and well-being of individuals we interact with directly or indirectly. We work to share best practices that inspire healthy living and revitalize a quality of life.