Stress Culture?

Click image to access the HBR article.

Click image to access the HBR article.

"Stress makes people nearly three times as likely to leave their jobs, temporarily impairs strategic thinking, and dulls creative abilities. Burnout, then, is a threat to your bottom line, one that costs the U.S. more than $300 billion a year in absenteeism, turnover, diminished productivity, and medical, legal, and insurance costs."

Is your business actively working to decrease stress in its culture, or preferring to ignore it and hope individuals manage it themselves? 

Managing stress is both an individual and business responsibility. 

Natalia Peart, PhD in clinical psychology wrote an excellent HBR article on some of the steps businesses can consider and implement to support the reduction of stress in the workplace and foster a more engaging environment. Click here to access “Making Work Less Stressful and More Engaging for Your Employees.”